star Overview and Rationale
star Aims and Objectives
Activities and Methodology
Success Indicators
Project Modules
Expected Impact
BLTeae Official Site
Online Survey

Success Indicators

The effectiveness of the project products will be measured through qualitative and quantitative indicators..

  1. Quantitative Indicators
    • The quantitative indicators set in the work packages are: number of discussion online (forum, note produced), number of e Portfolio, number of video update and sharing in the community, number of analysis and research instruments, number of country analytical reports, number of summary reports, number of participants in the events at local and international level, number of sample training modules, number of trained people during the target trainings, number of quality standards requirements, number of copies printed materials, number of used dissemination channels, number of reached end users and  number of potential users
  2. Qualitative Indicators
    • The qualitative indicators are divided in two groups: impact indicators and performance indicators. The impact indicators will be measured regularly through the level of achievement of each single project aim. The indicators will be set in the quality plan and in the exploitation strategy of the project. Dissemination and exploitation are considered as key part of the project and will be performed from the very beginning of the project, using general meetings and events carried out in the participating countries to stress this spread.

The participating Institutions in the project are as follows:

    P1 - Aix-Marseille University - ESPE, France
    P2 - Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark
    P3 - Tallinn University of Technology (TUT), Estonia
    P4 - Audiovisual Technologies, Informatics and Telecommunications (ATiT), Belgium
    P5 - Royal University of Bhutan (RUB), Bhutan
    P6 - Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia
    P7 - Institut Pendidikan Guru, Kampus Batu Lintang (IPGKBL), Malaysia
    P8 - University of Dhaka (DU), Bangladesh
    P9 - Bangladesh Open University (BOU), Bangladesh
    P10 - National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad, Pakistan
    P11 - International Islamic University (IIUI), Islamabad, Pakistan





Hak Cipta © IPGKBL - rkho/snh 2018